Who Are We?

We are families.

We are a community.

We are in this together.

We are East Bay.

What Do We Believe?

  • Our mission at East Bay is to continually be loving God, loving people, delivering the captives, and welcome prodigals back home.

  • Our core values will be reflected through our freedom in worship, being led by the Holy Spirit, not the clock. We believe the prophetic flow is to strengthen, encourage, and edify, and to comfort those around us as said in 1 Corinthians 14:3. In Romans 12:6-8 we are called to serve one another; serving each other and serving our local community is the Father's heart. According to 1 Peter 4:10, we live big through service and community with each other.

  • In March 2023, Pastor Rob had a weighty encounter in his personal prayer time. "God impressed upon my heart that I had a church inside of me, and people would be lost into the grips of hell and prodigals would be left astray and not come home."

    "It's already happening. We've seen hearts return to the Lord and hope restored; and we've seen people who are done with church get excited about the body of Christ again."

    Pastor Rob and Julie are called to empower others and release them into their God-given purpose.